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Robert Walters Supplier Code of Conduct


Robert Walters New Zealand Ltd (Robert Walters) is committed to sustainable procurement practices which are underpinned by good corporate governance, ensuring transparency in our decision-making and accountability to shareholders, clients, candidates and employees. With regards to our impact on the wider workforce and society at large, we are committed to protecting all workers’ rights in accordance with local labour legislation, and we remain vigilant for signs of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains.

As a condition of providing goods or services to Robert Walters, we require all suppliers to comply with this Code of Conduct. The principles outlined in this document set out minimum standards that apply to all Robert Walters’ suppliers and their agents, employees and contractors. We also expect our suppliers to apply the principles outlined in this Code of Conduct to their own supply chain and ensure, to the extent possible, their suppliers adhere to these principles.

This Code of Conduct is not intended to impose onerous obligations on our suppliers. Our expectation is that our suppliers have implemented adequate measures to comply with legal, ethical, social and environmental requirements and best practices in New Zealand and internationally, where applicable.

Compliance with Laws and this Code

Robert Walters’ suppliers must comply with all applicable local and international laws and regulations in all locations they operate their business. We expect our suppliers to implement appropriate policies, procedures and training to comply with applicable regulatory frameworks and this Code of Conduct.

Business Integrity and Ethics

We expect all suppliers to act ethically, honestly and fairly in all activities they undertake.

Suppliers must avoid financial, business or other relationship which may affect compliance with commercial arrangement between the supplier and Robert Walters. Any conflict of interest, whether real or perceived, must be immediately reported to Robert Walters.

Suppliers must not use or disclose any confidential information or commercially sensitive information in its possession related to dealings with Robert Walters to any third parties unless authorised by Robert Walters in writing.

Working Environment

Human Rights and Ethical Behaviour

Robert Walters respects all human rights and, in conducting our business, we regard those rights relating to non-discrimination, fair treatment and respect for privacy to be the most relevant and to have the greatest potential impact on our key stakeholder groups. We strongly believe that every employee is entitled to a working environment which promotes dignity and respect to all.

Suppliers must not engage in discrimination, inhumane treatment or abuse of their workers. Suppliers are to respect and provide a safe working environment for every person engaged in their operations. Robert Walters expects its suppliers to have adequate policies and procedures that address discrimination, bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment), victimisation, abuse and any other unlawful conduct, or threats of any such treatment. We also expect our suppliers to provide multiple safe avenues for workers to report any harmful behaviour.

Diversity and Inclusion

Robert Walters embraces the principles of diversity and equality. We strive to create a working environment that recognises the unique cultures and communities that comprise our company.

Our suppliers should aim to adopt practices and procedures that promote an inclusive and respectful environment within their workforce and supply chain. We also expect our suppliers to foster gender equality in their operations and avoid unconscious bias in recruitment or promotion of their workers.

Health and Safety

Robert Walters requires its Suppliers to comply with applicable health and safety laws.  Suppliers must have adequate procedures and systems in place to identify, assess, control and monitor safety risks. We also expect suppliers to provide workers with information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary for them to work safely and without risks to their health.

Modern Slavery

Robert Walters has a zero-tolerance approach to any imposition of, or connection to, modern slavery and human trafficking. We expect all our suppliers to identify and address the risks of modern slavery in their global and domestic operations and supply chains, including of any entities they own or control.  

Practices that constitute modern slavery include:

  • human trafficking
  • slavery
  • servitude
  • forced labour
  • debt bondage
  • forced marriage, and
  • the worst forms of child labour.

Where applicable, suppliers must comply with local and/or international modern slavery laws.

Child Labour

Suppliers must not use child labour in their operations. Where local legislation permits employment or engagement of minors, suppliers must ensure they comply with all legislative requirements and follow best practice relating to adequate protection, support and guidance for such workers.

Employee Entitlements

Suppliers must pay their workers in accordance with all applicable laws. Suppliers must ensure that their workers are paid at least the national minimum wage, statutory benefits and leave entitlements.


Robert Walters commits to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships wherever we operate. We implement and enforce effective systems to counter bribery and corruption within our operations.

We expect our suppliers to take bribery and corruption seriously. Suppliers must ensure that they take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption by implementing procedures to mitigate corruption in any form. Suppliers must not offer any gift, hospitality or payment that could be perceived to improperly influence or advantage the outcome of any business transaction.

Fair competition

Robert Walters operates in accordance with the Commerce Act 1986. We expect that our suppliers will not enter arrangements or engage in behaviours which restrict, prevent or distort competition in local and global markets in breach of applicable competition laws.

Environmental practices

Robert Walters is committed to minimising its impact on the environment through ensuring efficient use of materials, encouraging re-use and recycling and incorporating the principles of sustainable development. Since 2015, the whole of Robert Walters Group's business operations have been officially certified as 100% Carbon Balanced worldwide by the World Land Trust.

We expect and encourage our suppliers to take an active part in reducing negative impacts on environment and adhere to the following environmental practices:

·        Suppliers should be aware of the environmental impacts of the products and services they provide. Objectives and targets should be set to reduce any significant environmental impacts.

·        Suppliers should have a robust system that ensures they are aware of and comply with all relevant legislation so that all products or services supplied to Robert Walters at least meet or exceed these requirements.

·        Products and services supplied to Robert Walters should take account of the principles of sustainable development in their design, production, use and end-of-life disposal.


We may require our existing and new suppliers to demonstrate compliance with this Code of Conduct in their operations. Robert Walters may, upon reasonable notice, conduct compliance audits of suppliers’ operations or request suppliers to complete self-assessment questionnaires.


Where local laws, regulations, rules or contract conditions impose stricter obligations in respect of any matter discussed in this Code of Conduct, suppliers must comply with those obligations.

Where this Code of Conduct imposes stricter obligations than local laws, regulations or rules, suppliers are expected to comply with this Code of Conduct to the extent it is possible.  

Reporting and Support

To report any breach or potential breach of this Code of Conduct, to request more information or to provide feedback, please contact legal@robertwalters.com.au.

If a supplier, or any party in their supply chain, experiences difficulties or is unable to comply with this Code of Conduct, they should promptly notify Robert Walters by contacting their Robert Walters’ representative or legal@robertwalters.com.au. Robert Walters will seek to discuss any issues with suppliers or third parties and may require them to take such steps as we consider necessary to address the impact of, and remediate, the non-compliance.  

Last updated: January 2021

This Code of Conduct will be reviewed periodically.

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